White Paper: A Guide to Investing in the Time of COVID-19…and Beyond

It looks like investing is about to get a lot harder, with thinner return streams and potential pitfalls from ill-timed market sell-offs dominating the post-COVID-19 landscape. Investors are looking for the tools to build portfolios with better up/down capture and improve their odds of achieving income, lifestyle and legacy goals. But it’s a design problem that defies simple solutions.

How Should Investors Navigate This Environment?

In AllianceBernstein’s white paper, A Guide to Investing in the Time of COVID-19…and Beyond, we outline post-pandemic investment solutions. The goal is to help investors defend against the downside of market selloffs while still participating in the upside needed to build wealth over the long run. 

From our perspective, there are three main elements to building a better path for portfolio returns:

+ Focus on markets—and approaches—that have persistently delivered better beta 

+ Combine betas to create efficient structures that result in a smoother return path

+ Target alpha-rich segments where skilled active managers can improve returns  

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